Animation Studio was founded by Mr Balkrishna Kamat and Arch. Mrs Virangini Kamat back in 2006 when 3d technology was in its nascent stage. Balkrishna Being a mechanical engineer gained expertise in industrial and engineering animation. Arch. Virangini having a formal degree in architecture contributed towards domain knowledge of architectural and real estate visualisation and animation projects. The Duo started the company with a single computer and soon grew into a 6 member team catering to the state of Goa. They started with basic renderings and a vanilla walkthrough. The team later developed to making photo-realistic renderings and visually stunning walkthrough

In 2010 they were joined by Mr Paras Trivedi who brought his creative ideas to the table and the company started offering complete real estate marketing solution to its client in all forms of visual media. This was an instant hit and opened new doors not only in Mumbai the commercial capital of India but all over the country.

The combined knowledge and experience of all 3 partners gives the company the ability and expertise to handle any types of 3d animations projects. 

The company has achieved many milestones and recognitions under the leadership of Mr Balkrishna Kamat, Arch. Mrs. Virangini Kamat and Mr. Paras Trivedi